business lifecycle

The Life cycle of the Business Process Management 

Business process management can be categorized in several phases but the truth is the main 6 stages of the BPM life cycle is enough to get  good knowledge about the business process management.

Now lets see those six stages shortly.....

  1. Process identification
  2. Process discovery
  3. Process analysis
  4. Process redesign
  5. Process implementation
  6. Process monitoring and controlling                           

Process Identification

To get an idea of business process with the value chain in this stage we need to examine and go through all available documentation and  take in and understand fully about how this process are dealing to the services provided, about the customer service,sales management of the business.
we should get clear knowledge about the business what we are going to do.

for this four steps are needed:
  • profile the oraganization
  • identify the support process
  • identify the performance indicators
  • prepare for process discovery

Process Discovery

Business process is a discovery is collection of tools and techniques used to define and analyze the exciting business of an organization. it provides a baseline for process improvements and identify the key problem. 
This business process discovery can be manual or automated using business analytics and business intelligence. 

Process Analysis

On this stage we should want to observe the way how the business process is going on and get the clear picture of it, because this step will be helpful to us for the post stages to evaluate and modelling the organization process.  and there are two types of analysis such as qualitative analysis(value),quantitative analysis (cost,time,etc..)

steps in this stage:
  • interview the performance of the process
  • analyze process documetation
  • analyze documentation
  • validate knowledge and documentation

Process Redesign

In this stage only we make decision about everything that was detected in the previous stages.
And this is the time to align all strategic goal of the company and redesign the process and make it as non failure process.

steps in this stages are:
  • analyze gaps and make comparison
  • design the process and also anlayse
  • model the new processes
  • get new process procedures accepted
  • deployment plan creation

Process implementation 

Implementing the process which we redesigned. this processes is done in two ways systematically and non systematically.
The goal of this process is to enable and put into the action process implementation as defined and documented in the form of a workflow. 

Process Monitoring 

This is a stage of identify that the process are aligned with these objectives or not, by monitoring and we can get the results of it.


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